Soul mate.
Soul mateS.
So much has been written about the soul mate, the one person you will connect with on so many levels, the one you can share anything with...
The presumption is always that there is only one.
One true love, one true friend, one true soul mate.
I don't believe that. I think there are multiple people in the world who, when you meet them, you know. You know them, beyond any logical possibility. Beyond any time constraints. Maybe beyond time?
Sometimes you fall in love. Sometimes not. Sometimes you simply find that person and treasure that person as an ongoing part of your life. Sometimes you meet, and you part... sometimes within the same 24-hour period. Sometimes... you never meet. Sometimes you're lucky enough to get the opportunity to spend the rest of your life with one of your soul mates... and then you later meet another one and contend with the complications and joys therein.